A center for AI technology has been launched in Roche, Canada, with Vector Institute, Amii, and Mila partnering in the project. It is an excellent center combined with three expert-level institutions of AI under the strategy of CIFAR Pan-Canadian AI.

CoE primarily focuses on the advancement of health transformation using digital technologies. Thus, the branches of life sciences and AI are married. It will deliver quality AI solutions to reduce costs and optimize healthcare delivery, improve health outcome, and respond to future challenges and opportunities in healthcare.

Canada made history in 2017 by launching an AI strategy on a national platform. It was a breakthrough based on excellence in research and years of study. This achievement established Canada as the headquarters for all AI advancements worldwide. After the launch of the strategy for Pan-Canadian AI, Canada solidified itself as the global leader in Artificial Intelligence.

The AI CoE in Roche originated from RDSC which was formed in April. RDSC is an industry coalition that provides resources and expertise to provide solutions to challenges that the COVID-19 pandemic has presented. Since its creation, RDSC has provided more than 100 solutions, including advanced analytics, market reports, virtual dashboards, and AI models, deepening the relationships with international and Canadian stakeholders.